Title X Growth Across Nebraska

With more than 30 service sites, Nebraska’s Title X Network reaches across our state. Agencies from the panhandle to the banks of the Missouri are strategically positioned to meet the needs of clients. Within the last three months, two Title X subrecipients expanded services to ensure greater access to Title X programming.

Choice Family Health Care renovated their existing clinical environment in Grand Island to better meet the needs of clients already using this site. The public was invited to participate in the ribbon cutting for their grand re-opening on (date).

“Our ribbon cutting was held in partnership with the Grand Island Area Chamber of Commerce.  We held the event to achieve two purposes.  The first was to celebrate our successes in updating the clinical setting to provide a more welcoming environment for those we serve.  The second was to introduce the community to our services and build upon our network of supporters for Choice Family Health Care,” Executive Director Ryan King said.

“The changes to the clinic helped improve our services by providing a more inviting environment in our waiting area and throughout the clinic.  We want to create a clinic where people choose to come for the healthcare rather than a place that people have to come to receive Title X services,” King said. “The changes are making a positive impact on the experience our clients have at Choice Family Health Care. This is reflected in comments staff members receive as well as data from our client satisfaction surveys,” he said.

In Crete, Family Health Services, Inc. has created a new relationship with the local public health department, Public Health Solutions. Executive Director Jody Yank noted that the partnership will facilitate better service delivery to traditionally underserved communities.

“This will improve access to services for our Hispanic clients in an around the Crete area.  Doane University is also located in Crete, so we anticipate a few students will utilize our services as well,” she said.

Working in conjunction with Public Health Solutions, Family Health Services can use space at the health department and expand the variety of services in the central Nebraska region. .

“We were able to see six new clients on our first clinic day April 27,” said Yank.

“Family Health Services is committed to serving all segments of the population in the geographical area we serve!  This means adapting our standard operating procedure to accommodate the population’s needs.  In this case, we knew some Crete residents and students are without vehicles to reach our clinic, so we added to our services at a convenient location accessible by foot,” Yank said.

Congratulations to Family Health Services and Choice Family Health Care!