Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska has entered the chat, friends!

Have you ever felt you’d outgrown the current version of yourself? That there was simply more for you to do, learn, and be? If so, you know the power of personal evolution, and you’ll understand exactly why Nebraska Family Planning is relaunching as Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska.

While our key work and priorities in sexual and reproductive health continue at Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska, our new name better reflects the breadth of our existing work and more clearly expresses the bold, exciting work to come.

Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska’s new identity allows us to better manifest our core principles of access, equity, and quality. This organizational evolutionary process has been illuminating, invigorating, and left us readier than ever to serve Nebraskans.

Our aim is that Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska’s new identity and efforts as a leading voice in sexual and reproductive health will bring positive change to our funded health centers, their patients, and the entire Nebraska community as we work on priorities like:

    • Access to quality care for all
    • Equity in sexual and reproductive health outcomes
    • Improve quality of care
    • Comprehensive, medically accurate sex education
    • Advocate for better sexual and reproductive health policies
    • Advance innovation in sexual and reproductive health
    • Engage supporters to advance our mission

We know change often brings about questions and curiosities, so you’ll see some Q&As below. We invite you to read on and get to know the new us. Most importantly, we happily anticipate learning from you, standing with you, and sharing in the power of a truly collaborative effort throughout Nebraska. 

Why is Nebraska Family Planning relaunching with the new name Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska?

  • Our new name and brand provide a clearer representation of our work. Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska’s funded health centers don’t just provide family planning services, their work includes many other aspects of sexual and reproductive healthcare, including cancer screenings, STI testing and care, contraceptives, and pregnancy planning and counseling.
  • The new name is more inclusive of the Nebraskans we aim to serve and better expresses our strategic objectives as a funder educator, advocate, and convenor in the field of sexual and reproductive health.

What does Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska’s new logo and visual identity represent?

  • RHCN’s new visual identity indicates our organizational evolution and represents access, advocacy, and honest conversations around reproductive and sexual healthcare.
  • The vibrant brand colors denote the beautiful diversity of Nebraskans.
  • The interlocked sex markers with overlapping purple tone in the circles of each markers represent the diverse ways Nebraskans identify in terms of gender. Our art also incorporates elements that incorporate a variety of additional gender markers that break the binary.
  • The logo’s negative space creates conversation bubbles representing an open conversation about sexual and reproductive health services and resources.   

When is the rebrand official? 

  • Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska officially launched the morning of September 18, 2024! That makes us a sensible, loyal, resourceful, problem-solving Virgo. A very good look.

Will this change anything for patients at Title X-funded health centers?

  • Absolutely not! Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska will continue as Nebraska’s Title X administrator and our funded health centers will continue to receive Title X funding. Patients will still have access to low- or no-cost services.
  • Visit to connect with services at our funded health centers.

What if I have more questions about the change to Reproductive Health Collaborative Nebraska? 

You can visit to access details about our work and/or contact our team at with any questions, to get involved, or to support our work!

Thanks for taking the time to acquaint yourself with the new us. We look forward to embarking on this journey with you and all Nebraskans. See you along the way!